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How I Met Robotics

Date: 16th October, 2017

Time: 1st Year, 1st Semester(BS)

My first engineering project. A full analog Line-Follower-Robot built with L293d, IR sensor, and cardboard. Unlike others I was completely unknown to the term Micro-controller(Arduino) & LFR at that time, so decided to start from scratch. As an engineering fresher it was a whole new experience for me to built something like that only taking help from google. This is how I first came to know about Integrated Circuits(IC) and Sensor Modules.

My First C++ Program

Date: 30th June, 2018

Time: 2nd Year, 1st Semester(BSc)

The computer asks the user to input the Product Number from the display that he wants to buy. After taking input it shows which product the user just chose with the total price including 2% VAT. The computer is also able to show the previous inputs if any with details in order. The process continues until the user wants to exit by pressing “0”.  The computer handles any error/unexpected input by showing “Data Not Found” to the user and continues from where the user was before the error input.

My First Arduino Module


Date: 3rd September, 2018

Time: 2nd Year, 1st Semester(BSc)

After getting started with Arduino, I was able to play with my first Arduino Module MPU 6050(3-axis gyroscope + 3-axis accelerometer ). 


Reading different motion data from the MPU-6050, I assigned different LEDs to different hand movements. So for each hand gesture, one LED would light up. 


From this experiment, I learned about sensor calibration and how to read sensor data from the registers using Arduino libraries.

MPU 6050 + nRF24L01

Date: 29th September, 2018

Time: 2nd Year, 1st Semester(BSc)

With radiofrequency module nRF24, I transmitted motion data of MPU-6050 to the other nRF24. After receiving the data from the receiver nRF24, I assigned them to different LEDs. Thus wirelessly, I was able to control LEDs with the hand gestures

PID for Arduino based Drone

Date: 20th December, 2018

Time: 2nd Year, 1st Semester(BSc)

Hardware Spec: Emax 1400kv, ESC 20A, MPU 6050, Arduino Nano.


My motto has always been - Always go for Custom Build, hate prebuilds. Back in 2018, I decided to build a drone by myself.


1. Sensor Fusion & Filtering was done to get clean and accurate feedback.


2. The drone's Battery & flight time calculation helped to estimate tuning time. Too much battery drainage damages Lipo Battery.


3. Calibrating ESC & MPU 6050(Gyroscope+ Accelerometer) is required for proper PID control.

Analog Weight Machine

Date: 8th April 2019

Time: 2nd Year, 2nd Semester(BSc)

The Objective is to measure weights using an analog circuit. And when the system detects overweight, the buzzer starts making a sound turning off the other 3 LEDs automatically.

A DIY flex sensor was made using 6B dark pencil & Aluminium foil to measure the weights. The other pieces of equipment were- LM741 to compare weights,  POT to calibrate weights, Pizo-electric Buzzer to alarm overweight, 555 Timer to create an astable signal for  Buzzer's input.

Digital Clock using 4026 IC

Date: 1st March, 2021

Time: 4th Year, 1st Semester(BSc)

Main Components:

1. CD 4026BE (6)- The 4026 is a decade counter integrated circuit (IC) with decoded outputs for driving a common-cathode seven-segment LED display. An advantage of this IC is that it has a decade counter functionality together with a 7-segment decoder driver.


2. CD4053 (2)- The 4053 is a triple 2-channel multiplexer having three separate digital control inputs, A, B, and C, and an inhibit input. Each control input selects one of a pair of channels that are connected in a single-pole double-throw configuration.


3. Basic Logic Gates - AND(4), OR(2), Not(4)

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

Date: 24th August, 2021

Time: 4th Year, 2nd Semester(BSc)

An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is a small battery-powered device placed in the chest to detect and stop abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias). It continuously monitors the heartbeat and delivers electric shocks, when needed, to restore a normal heart rhythm.


For more details see the video description on YouTube

Frequency Component Extraction

Date: 15th September, 2021

Time: 4th Year, 2nd Semester(BSc)

The goal of this project was to extract different frequency components from the EEG electrode signal
A 10th order Chebyshev LC filter was used for sharp frequency band
A combination of LC filter and Relay was used to remove amplitude ripples and regain the original input shape
Experiment showed that Filter-Relay combination performs better than using a single filter in extracting sharp frequency band

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